Sonntag, 30. November 2014

Who am I ?

The question of all questions.
Who am I?
I can tell you something.
I am a girl.
I am german.
I am 17.
But who I really am?
I am so much.
More than just one thing or one character.
I can be unobtrusive, melancholic, emotional, shy, philosophical, quiet.
And I can be outgoing, self-conscious, happy, loud, temperamental, friendly.
I am girly, I am in love with old cameras, with expensive clothes I would never buy and with places I will never be.
Sometimes I am a party girl but sometimes I just want to lay in my bed. Alone.
Maybe we don´t have to decide who we are.
Maybe we can´t.
Maybe we just have to decide who we are today.
Who we want to be today.
Not tomorrow.
Not this year.
Not our whole life.
We just have to decide who we are today.

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